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10 Signs You Are NOT Emotionally Ready for a New Relationship

Just because you want a relationship doesn’t mean you’re ready for one. I know what you’re thinking right now. “Of course, I’m ready for a relationship. It’s what I’ve been waiting so long for! I just need to know how I can get one started!” Well, I’m certainly not arguing that you want a real…

Gay Dating Advice: Why Are You Still Single?

“I’m so fed up with being a “nice guy” and getting nowhere for it. I continue to be perplexed by my situation and want to understand better why others act the way they do, what I am doing wrong, and what things I can do to improve myself. I’m not…

Gay Dating Tips: How to Ace Your First Date

First dates are notoriously nerve-racking. There is a lot to account for: the location, the conversation, what to wear, etc. But sometimes all it takes is just a little planning to take your first date from scary to smooth. Here are some basics that will help you better plan your first date…