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Love Life Friday: Stress Free Dating

Your time is precious. Reduce the amount of time you spend with people who believe happy people are unrealistic. They feed their negativity on the suspicion that happiness is unnatural. Happiness is an attainable state of mind made even more attainable if you believe in it. Collect people who agree…

Love Life Friday- Finding Love in 5 Steps

Here are the big 5 which, I believe, are absolutely necessary to finding your love this year: Love Basic # 1 You can probably guess what your best accessory is, can’t you ?  It is your smile – a smile is non-optional equipment in finding love.  It communicates that you…

The Key to Connection: Mutual Goals- Dr. Janet Page

True compatibility is the feeling that you have a helpmate – someone who wants to help you reach your goals and develop as a person.  And you must respect and be willing to support your mate’s development and goals. With such a strong base, staying together is relatively easy. And…