The greatest love you could ever invest in, is the love that you have for yourself. This isn’t about spending money on your physical appearance or becoming arrogant and self- absorbed, but rather knowing your true value and living your life in accordance to what you are deserving of. The way in which we let people treat us is usually a reflection of how we see and values ourselves, and so often to others (not necessarily ourselves) it becomes quite evident of how much self- love we really have. Once you know your worth you’ll stop giving discounts and start to feel whole and happy even as a singleton.
If your desire is to meet someone new, then you must be willing to connect and open up with the people around you. If someone next to you in the coffee line strikes up a conversation, be willing to engage. Even if that person is not to be the love of your life, practice openness anyway. Developing this energy of openness will help you facilitate iterations that may lead to lasting relationships.
Forgive your exes.
While this can seem impossible, going through with it releases your baggage and helps you feel emotionally ready to move forward.
Depending on the circumstances, you might want to talk directly with certain exes, write letters to others, and forgive still others only in your own mind.
Whether your conversation is real or imaginary, take responsibility for your own part in what happened without bearing the emotional weight of the entire breakup.
Hold your ex accountable for what he did, but forgive the behaviors. Note that forgiving does not necessarily mean opening yourself up to further pain.
You can forgive someone without reopening a friendship, and sometimes that is the kindest way to handle things.
Forget About the Ideal Partner.
There is no such thing as an ideal partner so don’t expect from anyone to be ‘Ideal’ by any means.
There is no person that you won’t have quarrels and arguments with but there are people who are worth it.
No one is going to be ideal every day of the year and you have to accept the flaws that every person, including you, has.
True love is about the acceptance of the other person as they truly are, and learning to love every part of their personality no matter how far from ideal they are.