Written by Joseph • July 18, 2018
What is the best way to make the online search for love successful? Everyone dates online for different reasons. However, many gay men— especially those who choose a site like Gay Dating Solutions — get online because they’re looking for the right person. You can definitely meet the love of your life online, and many people […]
Everyone dates online for different reasons. However, many gay men— especially those who choose a site like Gay Dating Solutions — get online because they’re looking for the right person. You can definitely meet the love of your life online, and many people have. Want to find love online? These are the seven things you need to remember. With these expert tips, finding lasting love is closer than ever!
1. Tell The Truth.
Let no fib or untruth sneak onto your profile page. Have a trusted friend review what you’ve written and invite that person to help you embellish, slash and reword what you’re choosing to share about yourself.
2. Having Unrealistic Expectations.
If you’ve ever heard singles bemoan their online dating experiences, you’ll notice that most of the things they complain about are annoying but unavoidable aspects of dating online. For example, they may lament that people don’t turn out like their profiles, that they get emails (or matches) from those who aren’t their type, or that there was no chemistry on the first date. It’s hard to meet that right person if the challenges of online dating scare you away.
The above challenges are all completely normal experiences when dating online. Sometimes, it helps to change your expectations and accept that you will meet people who don’t do it for you, who are deceptive in their profiles, or who don’t take the process seriously. Online dating is an adventure, and viewing it that way can make it much more fun. Once you meet that right person, it will all be worth it!
3. About Those Photos.
You simply MUST have current, clear, high quality photos on your profile. A sharp, smiling face shot and the ESSENTIAL full body shot – THIS YEAR’s version of you. Skip the shirtless selfie in the bathroom mirror, lose the shot with 6 other gay friends, ditch that sunglasses and cap shot. Toss the photo with your ex blurred out. Seriously, folks… if you want to have second dates, you’ll want to have as few surprises as possible on the first date. Next time you spend any quality time in the mirror to look nice for an event – take THAT opportunity to have a friend shoot a bunch of photos, to capture a great one for your profile.
3. Don’t Be Negative.
One way to turn off potential prospects is to make negative statements in your profile. For example, it’s not uncommon to see things like, “I don’t want drama” or, “I only date gentlemen.” Sure, you don’t want a drama queen or a jerky guy, but stating that in your profile makes you look jaded and will scare away the healthy, good people you seek. Not the best way to attract the right person!
Instead, remove any negativity from your profile and focus on the positive. Sure, online dating means occasionally coming into contact with the kind of people you were hoping to scare away, but that’s normal. Fortunately, you can choose to delete their emails or refuse to see them again.
4. Have The Courage to Be Vulnerable.
Yes, it takes guts to put yourself at risk, to reach out, to say Yes, to call or to answer when the phone rings for you. How to bust through that fear is to focus on bringing a smile to this person’s face. It’s just an email. It’s just a text message. It’s just one date. Do dating one moment at a time, and if your intention is simply to contribute to this person, to brighten this person’s day and to lift spirits with each communication and each encounter, you simply can’t fail. In other words, make dating less about you and more about contributing to these other souls along your journey, one touch at a time.
5. Have The Courage to Initiate.
If the right ones aren’t knocking on your door, see what happens when you reach out. Save your Favorites and send one thoughtful, concise, playful email every day.
6. Be Authentic and Unique.
What are the things that make you you? Mention something that is unique about you and don’t be afraid to throw in a few quirky or fun bits of information or stories about yourself. Aim to be authentic and you never know what might happen!
7. Be Smart. Catch The Creeps.
There are predators out there. Count on it. Keep private your last name, residential and work addresses. And use an email address that doesn’t reveal your last name. Be smart. Take your time before inviting someone into your home. Keep your pants on – hold off on sex until you are both ready and until you know that you share the same purpose for dating.