Our greatest struggle in life isn’t to find our destiny, but to preserve it. Every person is born with an intuitive sense of who they are and how they feel. The trick is keeping those who convince us otherwise from interrupting the groove, and that’s easier said than done.
We all want something in life. For a lot of people it’s not enough to have their own wants and needs, but they crave to have other’s as well. It makes them feel important to interrupt the destiny of those closest to them. Because there is so much obsession over sex and power in the gay community, too many people have turned into attention whores. Surrounding ourselves with these kind of people not only makes it easier to lose our sense of direction, but it’s also a matter of time till we sacrifice our wants and needs to please the addiction of their hungry egos.
There’s a difference between wanting to please others and losing a part of yourself. For the longest time I’ve struggled with both and it wasn’t till recently I discovered my own potential. There comes a time when we all have to take a step back and ask ourselves why. Why do we feel pulled in either direction? Why are we letting ourselves feel this way? Why do we let people control our happiness? Why are we continuing this pattern?
Our true morals become blurred the more we base our self-worth on what others do. The moment someone doesn’t laugh at a joke, we’re quick to assume they don’t like us or are gossiping behind our back. When we’re left out of a conversation, we jump to conclusions and assume it was intentional. Until we begin the process of releasing our dependence from them, we will never be comfortable in our skin. The person we pride ourselves in being morphs into a new, more “accepted” prototype.
Since childhood there has been people coming into my life to test my patience. The second I let them go, another identical figure arrives. History repeats itself. I succumb to their pull, old feelings come back, my intuition tells me to runaway but I don’t, the need to be liked or “better than” is too much for me to fight, and I end up exactly where I was – confused, insecure, paranoid and lost.
One thing we all need to remember is that we’re much more alike than we are different. We all want to be remembered, admired, listened to, respected and loved. Self-esteem requires us to constantly gain our value by how others perceive us and since everyone wants high self-esteem, we’re constantly trying to compete with one another. Whoever is the Queen Bee at the moment has a higher rank, which means they have an upper hand at embarrassing or belittling people in an effort to raise their social value.
It takes courage to surpass the distractions. Staying true to ourselves is a conscious effort. It requires a firm decision to not let anyone discourage us from our true character. When our soul, personality, mind and body are traveling together, our destiny becomes clear and the minute we let someone else knock us off course, we slowly but surely hand our lives to them. It’s time we take it back.
Your moral compass is innate within you, but the real question is do you listen to it or are other people interfering? Every time you do something you know you shouldn’t be doing, go on the offense when it’s inappropriate, or try to make people feel bad in an effort to make yourself feel good, you create a collection of emotional debt that’s almost impossible to pay back. Listen to what you have to say. Trust me, you’re always going to be right.
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