No one wants to date a psycho. The relationship will be frustrating, and even worse, you could put yourself and the people around you at risk. Unfortunately, there are plenty of nutjobs online. It seemed like such a great romance. He was just your type and the mutual attraction was instantaneous. Dates were filled with laughter, stories, and […]
No one wants to date a psycho. The relationship will be frustrating, and even worse, you could put yourself and the people around you at risk. Unfortunately, there are plenty of nutjobs online.
It seemed like such a great romance. He was just your type and the mutual attraction was instantaneous. Dates were filled with laughter, stories, and a refreshing honesty. You were sure he was the guy you’d been looking for.
Well, eventually you broke up, and in this highly connected age that’s rarely the end of the story. During our lonely days and nights we wonder what the ex is doing, think about ways to meet the hunky new guy we saw at the gym, or just want to cruise online and see what handsome snack we might meet. And suddenly, without even realizing it, we become a dreaded psycho-homo.
Don’t believe it? The folks at Wet—that’s right, the lubricant company — took a poll to study people’s behavior on social networks. Check out the results:
Of the respondents…
• 29% admitted they never stop checking up on their ex using Facebook.
• Over 20% said they’ve checked up on a crush’s whereabouts using a social networking site, and then gone to that location to “bump into them.”
• 54% have “friended” a mutual friend they haven’t met, simply based on appearance.
For those of you in a relationship…
• 34% worry about what their partner does online when they’re not around.
And for those you who don’t think there’s anything wrong with the above psycho-homo behavior…
• 32% were scared off by how quickly someone they met added them as a friend on Facebook.
While it’s no surprise that you need to be careful about what you post on Facebook or Twitter, these numbers show that keeping your personal info to a minimum (or blocking certain people’s access to that info) can save you from unnecessary drama. Indeed, it can mean the difference between moving on or feeling safe, and feeling like you have to move out of town.
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