Love and sex are two of humanity’s most wanted (and needed) acts. For single gay folks out there it seems to be a constant hunt to find one, the other, or both. I’m a man who believes in balance. When I get something sweet, I want a bit of sour on the side, but when […]
Love and sex are two of humanity’s most wanted (and needed) acts. For single gay folks out there it seems to be a constant hunt to find one, the other, or both.
I’m a man who believes in balance. When I get something sweet, I want a bit of sour on the side, but when it comes to sex there are a few things that are non-negotiable. Now that I’m getting a bit older I can’t have one without the other, but let’s face it, if I was stranded on a deserted island and had to choose between love or sex, I might have to go with the latter.
When I was in my early-20s, sex seemed to be the only way to express love. It was the icebreaker for most of my relationships at the time and I didn’t bat an eyelash. But as I got older, I realized all the time I spent hunting for sex could have been spent focusing on love. Who knew where my life would have ended up, but like they say, regrets are a waste of time.
It seems silly to try and find love when you’re out looking for sex all the time in this day and age. Since it’s so easy to find, chances are you’re going to find it the second you start searching.
Love will always be one of the biggest prizes we can be rewarded in life. I’ve known many gay guys who’ve become love addicts, going from man to man, relationship to relationship, and commitment to commitment, turning themselves into serial monogamists. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, but shouldn’t the goal of love be kind of a permanent thing?
I’m a firm believer in good sex. Without it, I don’t think my relationship could have survived some of our biggest fights. And I know I’m not the only one. There are tons of struggling gay couples out there who’ve rekindled their love for each other through sexual exploration. With that being said, I can’t help but wonder: can sex be more powerful than love?
Sex and love exist together on a never ending continuum inside our brains. It’s nearly impossible to not have one without the other. They help us when the other needs a hand (figuratively speaking) and they’ve been known to answer serious questions we might have with either the world or ourselves. But if you had to choose between one or the other, which would it be?
You can have a sexual relationship without love, and you can have a loving relationship without sex. Depending on wherever you’re both at in your lives and boundaries, love or sex isn’t the end all-be all to happiness. But damn, it sure does help.
Thankfully many of us don’t have to be cursed with that kind of decision, but it brings up an interesting question regarding one’s patience. If one area wasn’t up to your standard, how long until everything else suffers?
Have you found the right one, or are you still searching?
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