Written by Joseph • December 27, 2020
So, your New Year’s resolution is to meet someone special… Now what? New year! New goals! New love? The pandemic has brought a new light to dating in general, especially for those looking to meet new people and find love. The pandemic fatigue is real and because singles have been stuck at home for so […]
So, your New Year’s resolution is to meet someone special… Now what?
New year! New goals! New love? The pandemic has brought a new light to dating in general, especially for those looking to meet new people and find love. The pandemic fatigue is real and because singles have been stuck at home for so long, it is beginning to wear on their confidence and motivation to continue pursuing online dating.
Just because singles are now spending more time at home, does not mean their dating lives have to collect cob webs. If you’ve resolved to rev up the romance in 2021, consider the suggestions below.
While attraction is important, this approach means that you might be twenty messages into a conversation before you realize that they’re looking for someone to join them in the gym every weekend, while you’d rather go on dinner dates or stay at home cuddling while Netflix & chilling.
We’re all scrolling so fast these days, it’s easy to miss a gem. If you’re looking for a new kind of connection in 2021, it might be time to take a few minutes to honestly evaluate the person’s bio rather than just their face.
You’ve heard the adage, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again yet expecting different results.” People say it all the time because—well, it’s true! Although we can’t 100% control when or how we’ll find love, one thing’s for sure, we won’t ever meet The One if we refuse to get out of our comfort zone and take a few risks.
Resolution: Resolve to push yourself at least a little bit in 2021—no risk, no reward!
January is a super-busy time for gay dating sites like Gay Dating Solutions. Make sure you’re ready by revamping your profile.
Resolution: The place to start is your photos. Inject a little life into your profile with new photos that were taken over the last 12 months. Try to get a range of pics that show you in different situations and having fun. Remember – happiness is attractive. Make sure you include all the fascinating things you did and learnt in 2020.
Your best intention to take more risks won’t do any good unless you actually follow through. The trick is to figure out what you need to make that happen. Take an honest look at yourself and determine how to ensure you’ll stick to your guns. Will it help to enlist a friend to keep you accountable? Or do you work best with visual reminders? Try writing out your dating resolutions and posting them in a prominent spot to keep yourself focused.
Resolution: Resolve to construct concrete steps to find love in the same way you’d strategize to reach any other goal. Make it a priority and put in the effort! Another quote to consider: “Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.” –Abraham Lincoln
If someone’s gay dating profile catches your eye, let them know before someone else does.
Making the first move might seem like a bold move, but do it right and you could soon find yourself dating someone special.
Pay close attention to their profile; commenting on something you’ve read will make you stand out from the crowd but a one-liner like ‘hi there’ sounds generic and a bit lazy. Instead, invest some time in writing a first email that will grab their attention; be confident and cheerful and reference something from their profile to show that you’re interested in getting to know them a little better.
Let’s be honest—dating can feel pretty awkward at times. Make the whole process a little more comfortable and a little less stressful by playing to your strengths. If you’re more reserved but you’re a great writer, hop online and email your way to a first date. If you’re most comfortable in active settings, join a singles’ group that keeps busy with cooking classes, ski trips, or art lessons.
Resolution: Resolve to be more introspective this year. You have to know your strengths to be able to play to them!
Instead of thinking of excuses, try saying “yes” more!
So he isn’t as mad about Lady Gaga’s music as you are and he’s not as enthusiastic about antiques as you– so what? You could learn a thing or two from each other.
Saying “yes” to people you wouldn’t usually consider dating will really help you figure out the kind of person you’re looking for. If you’ve been chatting to someone but you’re not quite sure if you’re right for each other, dating allows you to see whether there’s a spark between you. Go on – seize the moment and say “yes” to ensure you don’t overlook someone who could be a perfect match.
Follow the suggestions above to take charge of your love life in 2021!
Have you found the right one, or are you still searching?
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