It is never easy to cope with missing someone. Whether the person in your life is gone for a short duration, has chosen to end your relationship, or has moved to a new town, the pain and longing you feel is a normal reaction to loss. Here are some coping strategies to lessen…
Reader’s Question: The first year with my boyfriend was amazing. We connected so well. Now, in year two, I feel like he takes me for granted, and I do the same to him. I have to admit that this has happened to me before. What can I do to stay contented…
Often in a long-term relationship, gay couples ultimately face the question of whether or not to shack up. The prospect of living together offers the advantages of spending more free time together, building the level of intimacy and the sharing of financial resources. For gay couples, living together is no…
Even the strongest of unions can break down under the strain of mental illness or depression. Here are a few coping strategies: Relationships can break down quickly under the impact of depression. While many depressed partners decide to leave for good, I think it’s more common for two people to…
Just because you want a relationship doesn’t mean you’re ready for one. I know what you’re thinking right now. “Of course, I’m ready for a relationship. It’s what I’ve been waiting so long for! I just need to know how I can get one started!” Well, I’m certainly not arguing that you want a real…
Some say moving in together is the proverbial kiss of death. Others think it’s the best thing since sliced bread or since the invention of dildos. Moving in with your significant other is a big deal – from fighting for the covers every night to waking up with the person you love…
Everyone knows that perfect couple that just seems to have it all. How do they do it? Well, the secret to a happy relationship is more than just loving each other, it’s putting in that extra effort to make the relationship last. Are you searching for that ideal, enduring love?…
Love can blind us to bullying in unforeseen ways. You probably won’t see it until years down the line, and even then you still try and mask it with past memories—“Somewhere inside is that man I fell in love, so I’m going to keep on keeping on.” Sometimes boyfriends change…
“Society desperately needs to see healthy gay couples functioning in successful relationships.” Back in the 90’s, I worked at Linden Oaks Hospital, a psychiatric clinic in Naperville, Illinois in their outpatient department providing counseling to all ages and populations.We did a lot of work with couples and used a handout…
Running into your ex is common in the LGBT community, especially when you’re in a gay neighborhood. At the gym, in the bar, or on the streets, we’re bound to run into an old fling at some point or other. Sure it might be a bit awkward, but what happens…
Jack and Matt are both buttoned-down businessmen and have been together for ten years. They’ve been inseparable since Jack picked Matt up one night after cruising him for hours at the dance bar they frequent. The seduction was hot: eye contact led to physical contact, then making out in a dark…
It’s not unusual for someone to say of his lover, “He’s my best friend.” That’s a sweet thing. Of course, it’s also great to have a best friend who is not part of your relationship, especially at times when the relationship feels a little strained and we need some place to let off…