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How Being Versatile in Bed Is a Way of Life

As gay men, we are classified into different groups. Hell, not just gay men, but humans in general. We like to divide ourselves with labels. In our culture, there is no label more important than one’s sexual position. You can be a top, bottom, versatile, versatile-top, versatile-bottom, total top, power…

Atlanta Gay Guide: Entertainers Ready to Perform this Weekend

Pride Weekend is set to indulge every festival goer in the queer village with a high-energy, fierce line up of some of the music industry’s biggest names and iconic legends. The diverse slate of headliners will have Piedmont Park booming and rocking all weekend long. Atlanta celebrates Pride, National Coming…

Being Gay in the Bible Belt

The Bible Belt of the U.S. is the term used to refer to states in the south-central and southeastern part of the country. These states have an overwhelmingly large number of socially conservative religious people, and these evangelical Christians tend to play a large role in politics and society overall.…

Relationship Advice: Living Together as a Gay Couple

Often in a long-term relationship, gay couples ultimately face the question of whether or not to shack up. The prospect of living together offers the advantages of spending more free time together, building the level of intimacy and the sharing of financial resources. For gay couples, living together is no…

Fursecution and Fat-Shaming in the Gay Community

If there’s one thing that really gets my knickers in a twist, it’s people not being able to accept each other for who they are. Gay people still face so much prejudice and discrimination in the world, but there’s an issue that I view as being even more damaging; gays hating…

6 Ways to Save Your Relationship From Depression

Even the strongest of unions can break down under the strain of mental illness or depression. Here are a few coping strategies: Relationships can break down quickly under the impact of depression. While many depressed partners decide to leave for good, I think it’s more common for two people to…

Gay Austin Guide: Where To Eat, Play, And Stay

Austin isn’t just liberal by Texas standards – it’s one of the nation’s most progressive cities, as well as a luminary in live music venues, cutting-edge restaurants and bars, indie retail, and outdoor recreation. It’s routinely cited as one of the coolest and most livable cities in the country, and…

Gay Dating: Are You Dating a Psycho Obsessive Stalker?

No one wants to date a psycho. The relationship will be frustrating, and even worse, you could put yourself and the people around you at risk. Unfortunately, there are plenty of nutjobs online. It seemed like such a great romance. He was just your type and the mutual attraction was instantaneous. Dates were…

How to Be Happy: 15 Ways to Create Happiness in Your Life

Life doesn’t need to be depressing. Come out and find your inner YES GAWD! Everywhere we look there is something to complain about, but the second we stop dwelling on all that crap is the moment we find ourselves. It’s time to be more positive. There is a happy gene…

10 Signs You Are NOT Emotionally Ready for a New Relationship

Just because you want a relationship doesn’t mean you’re ready for one. I know what you’re thinking right now. “Of course, I’m ready for a relationship. It’s what I’ve been waiting so long for! I just need to know how I can get one started!” Well, I’m certainly not arguing that you want a real…

Seattle Lesbian & Gay Film Festival 2015

Golden leaves floating down to the ground, cool and chilly mornings, pumpkin spice lattes – these are things you might typically associate with fall. But, in our frenzy of a film world, this means that festival season has begun! The Seattle Lesbian & Gay Film Festival is about to kick off their respective…

Relationship Advice: We Love Each Other, But We Always Fight

Reader’s Question: I’m 23 and have recently come out of the closet (although not completely yet!). I met a great guy and we’ve been in a relationship now for almost a year and a half. Unfortunately, it seems like we’ve lost the spark we had before and we can’t go…