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Dating Again? 5 Tips for Every Single Gay Man

Being a single gay man is not the worst thing in the world. You have the time to do the activities you enjoy without compromise; you have the freedom to go on as many dates/hook-ups as possible; you don’t have to worry about someone else’s social media activity. But regardless…

Top Rules For Successful Gay Dating

The words rules and gay should ideally never appear together in the same sentence. For better or for worse, I do believe in rules, if only because I want to know them before I break them. Here in L.A., we are blessed with the gift of unlimited options. During the winter, we have the choice of…

Gay Love Advice: I Can’t Find The Right Partner

Reader’s Question:  I’m a 25-year-old gay man and I’m unable to find love. All my friends have partners and have settled down with the usual commitments and responsibilities, yet I can’t seem to find this for myself.  I have tried dating sites, but I just feel like I’m worthless to…

Gay Advice: How Do You Stop Missing Someone?

It is never easy to cope with missing someone. Whether the person in your life is gone for a short duration, has chosen to end your relationship, or has moved to a new town, the pain and longing you feel is a normal reaction to loss. Here are some coping strategies to lessen…

Gay Dating 101: The Things You Should Never Talk About

Dating is a lot of fun, but it also can be quite terrifying. We never know what’s going on inside his head, but we sure as hell can control what comes out of our mouths. Certain topics you might think are safe, for the most part, can end up sending…

Gay Dating Advice: Can a Single Gay Father Find Love Again?

Reader’s Question: I have recently joined a gay dating site but I’m not sure if my profile is an eye-catcher. I was married to a woman for a number of years and I have never had sex with a man. I’m now a single dad and have gone on a couple of dates…

Being Gay in the Bible Belt

The Bible Belt of the U.S. is the term used to refer to states in the south-central and southeastern part of the country. These states have an overwhelmingly large number of socially conservative religious people, and these evangelical Christians tend to play a large role in politics and society overall.…

10 Signs You Are NOT Emotionally Ready for a New Relationship

Just because you want a relationship doesn’t mean you’re ready for one. I know what you’re thinking right now. “Of course, I’m ready for a relationship. It’s what I’ve been waiting so long for! I just need to know how I can get one started!” Well, I’m certainly not arguing that you want a real…

Gay 101: How to be a Better Bottom

Bottoming is just as much fun as Topping, and if done right can be the gateway to sensual delights man hath not even dreamed of. There are always new ways in which you can be a better bottom. As a versatile boy I get the best of both worlds and I…

Good and Bad Conversation Topics for a Successful First Date

Ah, the first date. Where great relationships begin, or stumble into awkward, dead-end conversation. To have a great conversation you often have to ask an open question and then follow up to the other person’s response with statements. Try not to ask a reel of questions. Instead, ask a question; listen…

Cut The Crackpot: Dealing with Crazy People

Crazy folks – everybody got them! Not the mental illness but people who are rational most of the time but have one area of life where they just see cross eyed. How many crazy gay men does it take to screw in a light bulb? The longer you try and make sense…

The Right Time for Love: Starting a New Relationship

Starting a new relationship can feel a bit disorienting. At first everything is exciting; this is what you’ve always wanted, right? Months or years – seems like a lifetime – of dating, and all of a sudden here he is! What’s next? Relationships require care and encouragement and it helps to get…