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Gay Relationships: How Much Do You Trust Your Partner?

“We can tell each other anything.” Maybe you’ve heard someone make that claim, usually with a little smugness. It’s taken as gospel that being able to tell your partner everything is a sure sign of health and maturity in a relationship. But is that always the case? Being able to trust…

The Right Time for Love: Starting a New Relationship

Starting a new relationship can feel a bit disorienting. At first everything is exciting; this is what you’ve always wanted, right? Months or years – seems like a lifetime – of dating, and all of a sudden here he is! What’s next? Relationships require care and encouragement and it helps to get…

What Gay Men Should Know About Sexual Health and STIs

Having gay sex isn’t like it used to be in the dark ages. There are too many Sexually Transmitted Infections out there these days. The gay community needs to start paying attention with what goes on under the sheets. Though it seems like most sexually transmitted infections can be gone with a…

Gay Relationship Advice: I’m Dating a Married Man!

Reader’s Question: I met my boyfriend 4 years ago and he has 2 children. About a year into the relationship, I knew there was something not adding up. Well, I found out the hard way that he is still married to his wife! I tried many times to talk to…

Gay Portland Guide: PDX Drag Queens and Performing Arts

Drag queens and gay nightlife are inseparable in any city—one simply can’t exist without the other. Whether they’re holding court in gay bars, mixing things up at dance clubs or performing at cabaret spaces, these gender benders offer everything from impeccable lip syncs to vicious crowd work (often as part of the…

Gay Relationships: The Power of Loving Touch

Developing skill with touch is an important part of having successful relationships. Touch is critical to human beings. The love and support communicated through touch affirms our connection to others and has even been shown to contribute to the health of our immune systems. Many studies have shown that when infants…

Is Sex More Important Than Love in a Relationship?

Love and sex are two of humanity’s most wanted (and needed) acts. For single gay folks out there it seems to be a constant hunt to find one, the other, or both. I’m a man who believes in balance. When I get something sweet, I want a bit of sour…

Seattle: Where Restrooms are Available and Safe For All

Seattle’s LGBTQ task force convened to help fight hate crimes on Capitol Hill is approaching the problems of bias and inequality from all angles. In one of the first recommendations from the 30-member committee, Mayor Ed Murray’s office has proposed legislation that would require all single-occupancy restrooms in the city to be…

Gay Relationships: Meeting The Parents and Relatives

Gay men aren’t the only folks who have complicated relationships with parents and in-laws, of course. But while straight couples typically get a lot of recognition, support and encouragement from their parents and other family members, things are often different for us.  Some families are very welcoming.  Other families are indifferent…

Gay Dating and Violence: Are You Dating an Abuser?

Same-sex domestic violence doesn’t seem like a big problem to many gay men. Statistics are hard to come by; it’s hard to know the scope of the problem.  Just like male rape, however, men find themselves being victimized on occasion. For men there can be the additional issue that because we…

Gay Austin Guide: Fun Things to Do in Austin Without Alcohol

Go out, get drunk, and wake up with a hangover. Feel like your weekend routine doesn’t change and you’re going to the same places in Austin? Check out our list of 50+ non-drinking things to do in, and around, Austin! Just as a quick note – Always call ahead to…

Finding and Setting Your Moral Compass

Our greatest struggle in life isn’t to find our destiny, but to preserve it. Every person is born with an intuitive sense of who they are and how they feel. The trick is keeping those who convince us otherwise from interrupting the groove, and that’s easier said than done. We…