Undoubtedly, dating is a tough job and even more when you belong to the LGBTQ community because of the societal taboos associated with it.
We all know the problem – you have a crush on a guy. So here’s a piece of advice: If you fancy someone, ask them on a date!
We've compiled a selection of the best gay dating sites for finding long term relationships and romance.
Some top tips to help seniors in the gay dating world.
Looking for the best gay dating apps for younger gays? We’ve got them right here waiting for you.
Back in the day, well more than a year ago, dating was complicated still but at least you can see someone face to face and meet them. However, just because it’s a pandemic, doesn’t mean we can’t date at all. Dating can be disappointing, challenging and extremely exhausting, especially when you…
Something in the air is changing and it’s not just the weather —goosebumps are covering your body without a hand to hold. Cuffing season is upon us. You know, when single gays are ready to hunker down in a committed relationship until spring comes again. The pandemic has hindered the…
So you’re endlessly swiping on gay dating apps, wondering, Isn’t there an easier way to do this? How do you even ~meet people~ these days? Social distancing has only made dating more digital, but it was pretty app-heavy even before *gestures vaguely* all this. You probably either love or dread the world of…
I’m sure I’m not the only single gay guy perusing hookup apps while in quarantine, but after being alone for a significant period of time like the isolation we’re going through now, touching ourselves to images on a screen just won’t cut it. Sooner or later, we ache for something…
Is it just me, or is using gay dating apps in lockdown even harder than it was before? It’s like all rules have been thrown out the window and it’s a fresh slate. How do you talk to people? What do you talk about? Is it normal to be on…
We are lovers in a dangerous time. Thanks to the coronavirus, millions of people are now navigating the dating world in a society defined by social distancing, working from home and virtual hangouts. Online gay dating hasn’t stopped amidst the coronavirus pandemic – so here are some tips for enjoyable meet-ups…
Looking for REAL love online? If you want to build a relationship at your own pace or simply make friends and enhance your social life, you may enjoy online dating. Online gay dating is the New Normal. Online dating works in a similar way to the social networking sites. Most sites offer…